
ボーフォネ・ディスティカは南アをはじめ熱帯アフリカに分布しています。その分布域には夏雨、冬雨地帯が含まれていて、同一種でありながら夏雨地域では春に、冬雨地域では秋〜早春に咲きます。魅力的な扇状に並ぶ葉は通常花後に展開します。花色はピンク〜赤まで変化があります。花には甘い香りがあるものの、近寄ると目の痛みや頭痛をおこします。そのため、英名のひとつにsore-eye flower(目が痛む花)があります。中国名は刺眼花、布風花です。種子が実ると頭花は軸から落下、風の力で転がり種子を散布しますが、カカオやアボガドの種子のように短命です。成長の遅い球根植物で、100年以上の野生品もありマニア垂涎の的です。球根にはアルカロイドが含まれていますが、それが頭痛、腫れ物、かぶれ、やけどなどの治療に使われます。また、昔は弓の毒矢にも利用されていました。属名は2002年以降Boophone(ボーフォネ)が用いられてますが、それまではBoophaneとも綴られていました。
Boophone disticha is native to all province of South Africa and tropical Africa. It occurs in both the summer rainfall regions and winter rainfall regions. Former type blooms flowers in spring and latter one blooms in autumn-early spring. Attractive leaves usually appear after flowering. The colour of flowers varies from shades of pink to red. Flowers are sweetly scented and eyes may become sore if in a small space, hence the common name ‘sore-eye flower’. In the wild when seed is ripe, the whole seed head break off, and the wind will tumble it across the field, scattering its seeds as it goes. The seeds are known as ‘recalcitrant seeds (unorthodox seeds ) ’ Some of the largest bulbs found in the wild are well over a hundred years old, so the ones in a collection could become family heirlooms. The bulb of this plant is very toxic and if ingested may cause death. It has been used locally to make poison for arrow’s tips. It contains alkaloids such as lycorine and buphanidrine and is used for treating headache, chest pain, swelling, rashes and burns,
There are several forms of spelling for this genus, but most of taxonomists now agree that Boophone is correct (after 2002).